Culture of Sustainability

Cultures strongly affect how we think and act. They are built on our human experiences, sometimes over thousands of years (e.g. Agri-culture). But with today’s pace of change, cultures can develop quickly.

When people’s habits change, so will their culture (e.g. Cell Phone culture). The Biosphere Eco-City is an intentional approach that engages people in sustainable activities to create a culture of sustainability. This will in turn influence thoughts and actions.

The threshold to create cultural change is 10% of people

When 10% of society holds firmly to a belief, the rest will follow. Let’s make that belief sustainability. It will inspire key sectors – government, business, NGOs, and citizens – to think and act sustainably.

Cities are the place to start

Cities are the place to start building this new culture. Sustainable cities:

  • Reduce urban footprints,
  • Make the lives of many urban residents much better, and
  • Drive sustainable practices around the world.

A culture of sustainability can produce sustainability even where planning is weak

Planning can produce sustainable cities in some favoured places with adequate money, expertise and time. But a culture of sustainability can make cities more sustainable even where planning is weak. And in cities where planning is strong, it can enhance results.

Sustainable technology will be adopted more quickly

Cultures of sustainability will adopt sustainable technology more quickly because:

  • Society will remove barriers to sustainable innovations,
  • Funding for sustainable technology will increase,
  • Creators of these innovations will have more work opportunities.

Further information on Culture of Sustainability

Technology in a Culture of Sustainability
Technological innovation promises neat solutions to environmental problems. New systems for processing waste, powerful electric batteries and remote sensing to monitor land-use changes are just a few of the applications now being used for sustainability. There may be constraints on technical applications But there may be constraints on many applications for sustainability. Effective technological solutions […]
Beginning with Cities and Creating Cultures of Sustainability
Roots of a Culture of Sustainability
Sustainability was a normal way of living until recently Straw for goat bedding on family farm. Photo: Walden Effect Sustainability as part of culture is not new. Up to the 1950s, Canadian children regularly passed on clothes and toys to brothers, sisters and cousins. Today small family farms continue to recycle most by-products of their […]
Need and Impact of a Culture of Sustainability
Sustainable Cities Through Planning
Urban planning can produce sustainable cities. There are dozens of examples around the globe. Planning for sustainability. Curitiba’s former industrial area is now parkland. Photo: J. Birtch Urban planning can produced sustainable cities. There are dozens of inspiring examples around the globe. Those cities significantly reduce environmental stress and improve quality of life for people. […]
The Importance of Voluntary Action
Sustainable Cities Through Human Capital
Human capital exists in every city Human capital – people in Bogota. Photographer unknown. No copyright infringement intended. Human capital – the energy and ideas of people – is the new resource that cities need to move towards sustainability. It exists in every city, with creative potential that is largely untapped. Human capital can address the […]
The Speed of Cultural Change





Hero photo

Woman with carrots

Photo credit to Ryerson Urban Farm


Picture 1

Crowd on bicycles

Photo by Ahshea1 Media from Pexels


Picture 2

Urban farm & skyline

Photo credit to Ryerson Urban Farm


Picture 3

Skating on canal

Photo credit to National Capital Commission / Commission de la capitale nationale


The importance of voluntary action

Woman holding plastic lids

Photo by Brian Yurasits on Unsplash


Roots of a culture of sustainability

Blue shirts planting

Photo by Anna Earl on Unsplash


Technology in a culture of sustainability

Water streaming from roof

Photo by Phyo Hein Kyaw on Pexels


Need and impact of a culture of sustainability

Large park in a city

Lisbon, Portugal. Photo: Tiff Ng on Pexels


Sustainable cities through planning

Boy on path

Photo by Seth Hoffman on Unsplash


Beginning with cities and creating cultures of sustainability

City scape seen from park (LA?)

Photo by Celine Lityo on Unsplash


The speed of cultural change

Design of car with plug

Photo by Michael Marais on Unsplash


Sustainable cities through human capital

8 people joining hands

Photo by Fauxels on Pexels